Thursday, October 5, 2017

Espionage and Eggs - Part 5

It had only been a quick glance at first, but then something had compelled him to look her way again.  His eyes had been captured by her intense stare.   It began innocently, but he had stared a moment too long and then their eyes had locked.  It had only been for a minute, but that minute had changed him forever.  Her eyes had invited him to get to know her back then, but he hadn’t even gotten a chance to talk with her.  He had looked in her files, when no one was watching, to learn everything he could about her.  Ward was no stranger to computers and could break into any system that existed including his own department.  A skill he had shared with no one within the department.  He liked the idea that he could have any information he wanted, whenever he wanted.  In college he trained to be a doctor, but found that he had a way with computers as well once he had joined the department.   He saw no reason not to use it.
What he found in her records was impressive.  She had been undercover a number of times according to her files, a lot of dangerous assignments.  Each time had ended with the successful completion of her mission and the capture of the suspect.  Nothing surprising there, that's what they did for a living.  Her training session’s scores had been excellent, and in some cases they had exceeded the scores and standards of the others in this as well as many other departments.  As for her mind reading abilities, only a few readers were truly in her league.  In fact, his score on the ESP tests and hers were almost identical, but she certainly had discovered something that he hadn't.  Digging a little deeper, he had found that the recent assessments of their mind reading skills were comparable, and their accuracy levels were off the charts.  As he continued to read the file he discovered that his range for an accurate read was a bit farther and he was able to break past mental blocks a little easier according to the scores, but that might be the only differences between their abilities.  They were well matched and at the top of their field.  The more he learned about her, the more he wanted to learn about her.  She was a psychology major, and had a minor in languages.  She had joined up right out of college and there were no messy family situations that had to be dealt with.  Like all of them she was a loner.  She had never had a partner change in the department and her operations base had always been the Phoenix office.  He had hoped that this training mission would be an opening to get to actually talk with her.  All he knew right now were the dull facts that they put in her file, and he was pretty sure there was nothing dull about her.
“Did you see her time on the blind assembly?” Bobby let out a whistle, “That woman has good hands,” Bobby put his head back under the water to rinse off the remaining mix of mud and shampoo.  “Shot the hell out of your record,” Ward walked out of the showers and wrapped the towel around his waist as he went over to his locker.  How good the woman’s hands were not the only things Ward was interested in.  But he kept those thoughts closely guarded.  It was never a good thing in a room of mind readers to let them see just who peaked your interest, whether it was business or pleasure.  Right now Ward wasn’t even sure which it was, but he knew he was going to find out.  She had made him think and feel things he never thought were possible.
"Want to get a coffee and some breakfast?"  Bobby asked as he walked back to where he had stored his street clothes before the training session.  Ward was already dressed and zipping up his bag.
"Love to, but already have plans," or at least he hoped he did.  If he was right, Jan was about to leave the women's locker room.

"Hope she's worth it bro," was all Bobby had time to say before Ward walked out.  Ward should have known he would see through to his real motives.

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