As I sit here I know that I should be writing on my book. Problem is that the characters are relatively happy at this point in the book and as I write suspense/thriller/action stories they soon won't be. They are in no hurry for me to get back to the story line. In fact, when I do one of them is sure to get a chewing out from their superiors and no one wants that to happen. So here I sit with nothing to do until I can figure out how to get back to my book.
What is really on my mind right now is well written books and TV shows. My favorite show is NCIS and even though I would not have wanted a character change on the show I applaud the writers on how they did it. In fact is was one of the best character changes that I have ever seen. Tony (Michael Weatherly), an original character and until now one we would think was essential, left the show to pursue new adventures. Most of the time this never goes well but thanks to the wonderful writers of NCIS it was not only smooth but welcomed on some level by all the views. Now as the new season is about to begin we get to see what the writers have in store for us now. With such a talented team it is exciting to find out.
Now on to another TV series that the writers need to up their game. Don't get me wrong, I love the Big Bang Theory and it is my go to for reruns. Last year the beginning of the season seemed to lack some zest that it has always had. As the season went on it got better. I attributed this to the move for football and them being distracted by the games. Hopefully this year they will do a better job at the beginning of the season, there are still so many more ideas they could explore here as geeks are always a fountain of ideas.
Now for books. I have been reading a bunch of different authors, some romance authors. Without mentioning names I would like to say that repeating the same things over and over again just won't make us believe it. I even went back and tried to read an unnamed gray book again. Not that I don't like a little 'fun' in the books I read but this one seemed to be centered around the 'fun' and not the storyline. For me I need a good storyline, a believable one, not just 'fun'. Well to say the least I didn't get through it again and have now picked up one of my favorite authors. One who can weave a complicated story and have a little 'fun' with it that is relevant to the story, and not just the story. Linda Howard is always a good choice for this type of read. Right now I am reading her story Burn and feel a little less dirty.
Well now that you know how my September is stacking up, tell me more about yours!
A place where short stories and novels are published in chunks and tantalizing crumbs for the reader!
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Thursday, August 4, 2016
New Beginnings
It is late at night, 9:10. Okay, it is late for some but not for others. This is a time of year that I think of change and newness. Let me explain. For the last 30 years I have been a teacher. I am now retired, early. For years August has been a time that I consider the year to begin, new things to happen and an overall feeling of excitement. Truly this year is no different. Even though I have volunteered to start a classroom (teacher shortage and all) I will not be finishing the year with this group. It is time for a change, a new beginning, and even though I have had many friends, and fellow teachers, tell me that I will be in that classroom all year long I know I will not.
New, and all the new things I want to do. I want to help promote my books more. Over they years I have written and written and yes written. Even though I have had many compliment my books, I have yet to reach great sales. Why you may ask?
New! Well ask no more. I poured my heart into teaching and writing, not marketing. It is now time to market.
New! I have tried a new genre and I await whether or not it will be picked up. It has been a long time since I have submitted a work. Very nerve wracking but it will soon be over with (supposed to hear back this month).
New! I am in the middle of another book in my series, only this time it will explore the characters in a very different way and we will get to see how they became who they are.
So even though my teaching career may have come to an end, the idea that August holds new and promising beginnings does not. Fall is not a time of ending for me but a time to explore what lay under all the wonderful colors of summer, and to see what we are really made of.
New, and all the new things I want to do. I want to help promote my books more. Over they years I have written and written and yes written. Even though I have had many compliment my books, I have yet to reach great sales. Why you may ask?
New! Well ask no more. I poured my heart into teaching and writing, not marketing. It is now time to market.
New! I have tried a new genre and I await whether or not it will be picked up. It has been a long time since I have submitted a work. Very nerve wracking but it will soon be over with (supposed to hear back this month).
New! I am in the middle of another book in my series, only this time it will explore the characters in a very different way and we will get to see how they became who they are.
So even though my teaching career may have come to an end, the idea that August holds new and promising beginnings does not. Fall is not a time of ending for me but a time to explore what lay under all the wonderful colors of summer, and to see what we are really made of.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Stop! I'm Writing
Some days I have to wonder when I have time to write. Really, since it is a second career there are days that the world just conspires to keep me from writing. Today is one of those ... Or should I say it was a few of those days now. I started this blog a few days ago. Since then I have helped pack and move one of my children across the country to start out on his new adventures in work and college. I am also helping the other on move from one college house share to another. Not a happy move at that. So now you can see that writing has taken the back seat to all the rest of the worlds troubles. As the dust begins to settle, if only for a moment, I can get back to rambling on here. Writers do a lot of there work at home and in-between life's moments. How do you handle the unexpected interruption?
Monday, July 18, 2016
Next to Nothing
Okay... I've been really bad at this. What with everything going on, change of job, kids moving and a little vacationing on top of that I just really haven't gotten back to this. Not to say I haven't thought about this blog. Late at night I sometimes write a fab blog post in my head as I drift off to sleep only to forget the entire thing by morning. Now, I can't be the only one who does this? I have to admit to telling myself stories at the end of the day to go to sleep. Maybe this is a habit started long ago when my mother used to tell me stories, or cemented when I used to read stories to my two sons. However it happened, it happened. Some of my best story ideas been in the times between sleep and wake. The hard part if to remember it when you wake.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Finding Reviewers!
I found this article and thought it might be worth a read for more of us so I reposted it here. It is originally from: Helping Writers Become Authors
15 Places to Find Your Next Beta Reader
This can be a tough question to answer for the simple reason that a beta reader or critique partner isn’t someone you simply vet and hire, like you would a freelance editor. Rather, this is (ideally) a relationship you build, just as you would build any important friendship.
7 Things to Look for in a Beta Reader
There are several keys to finding the right beta reader (and it is important to find the right one). You want someone who:
1. Enjoys your genre.
2. Understands your intentions for your stories.
3. Likes your stories, in general.
4. Isn’t afraid to tell you what isn’t working.
5. Is an experienced reader and/or writer (both bring important insights to the table).
6. Is reliable and trustworthy.
7. You like–and who likes you in return.
In short, when you’re looking for beta readers, what you’re really looking for is “your kind of people.”
How to Find a Great Beta Reader
Where do you look for these peeps? Local writing groups sometimes offer possibilities. But the Internet is by far your greatest beta reader resource.
Honestly, my best advice is to simply go where writers go (Twitter, Facebook, writing blogs, writing forums) and start making connections. When you find someone who you feel will be a good fit, offer to trade critiques. Eventually, the right person or people will rise to the top (and when they do, make sure you treat them right).
Still, that’s not the kind of answer most writers want. It is, after all, kinda vague–and there’s a lot of time and a little bit of luck involved. So I decided to take this whole game up a notch. I conducted an informal poll (via my daily Writing Question of the Day–#WQOTD–on Facebook and Twitter)
Public Library,
Monday, February 1, 2016
Time Oh Time Where Did You Go
I sat down to write this post and discovered two days later that I had written nothing. I mean literally nothing. I hadn't written a blog post, I hadn't written a twitter or Facebook post, and most importantly I hadn't written anything in any book. I find the worst part of any day is to try and find the time to write. If you are like me then you have to have a job to pay the bills even though you may be a writer. I can write a bunch of things but nothing pays the bills better than a regular nine to five job, or in my case, seven to five.
I have written during my lunch time as well as late at night when my kids went to bed. I think that carving out the time to write is important. I would like to know how you find time to write. Where do you carve out the time? Is it in the middle of the night when most people are asleep? Is it when the kids are at soccer, baseball, or some other sports practice? Let all of us in on your secrets. Leave a quick message and share what you do!
Monday, January 25, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
It's All In The Depth
When I think of the difference between the two I see this picture. What is your favorite book that has been turned into a movie?
Monday, January 18, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Something New in the Publishing World
For all those interested in new ways to publish Kindle has done it! It is called Kindle Scout. Once submitted your book is then previewed (just the first chapter or so) by other Kindle readers who can then nominate your book for Kindle to publish. If you book comes out on top they then pay you an advance and give you a contract. The best of both worlds!!! If you want to know more check out my book and while you are there if you want to leave a nomination that would be great!
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Welcome to my new blog where together we will figure out what writing is all about. Depending on the day my opinion on what a writer is changes. When I was younger writing was a way to escape daily life and the boredom of growing up in a small town in the Midwest. As I grew what I discovered was that a writer's views and purposes change. Some days I want to tell a story, some days I want to make a point, and some days I want to just laugh and be entertained.
It is important that as a writer we don't let ourselves get trapped in a box. Looking at the word and presenting it in different ways is our job. Take a moment and think about why you write? What is your purpose? Leave a post and share with others what you like most about writing and maybe even what you like least.
It is important that as a writer we don't let ourselves get trapped in a box. Looking at the word and presenting it in different ways is our job. Take a moment and think about why you write? What is your purpose? Leave a post and share with others what you like most about writing and maybe even what you like least.
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