“You really should have told us about her sooner. You can’t meet with her now we need to get you to the airport. You’re not safe yet,” Jan didn’t bother to look at him. Didn’t bother to slow, “Not anywhere near it, and my job is to keep you safe. I’ll call and have a team sent out to get her,” she had a very bad feeling about this.
“I got plans, don’t think I was so stupid as to leave my future up to all of you,” he grabbed the wheel and forced her down the access road.
“And isn’t there something else you should have told us?” He had no idea that Jan could read minds and she was definitely getting bad vibes from the building as well as him. Jan pulled up to the building. As she got out he was already out and on his way into the building.
“Try to stop me from going in,” he made it into the factory before she could stop him. She had been right on his heals, and had forgotten to grab her purse from the car. It had been a stupid move, a rookie move. She had her knives, but somehow she knew it wouldn’t be enough.
It didn’t take long for the nightmare to begin. Once she entered the building she had just seconds before she noticed a pipe coming toward her. She fell to the ground rolling away with the hit. Kevin was not as lucky. He took the full force against his head. Jan heard the connection as well as felt it in her mind. The sound of bones breaking, the sickening sound of the thud of the pipe as it connected with Kevin’s head, and the lifeless pile that had been left after the attack as she felt the life drain from him. Jan felt herself receive another blow from a faceless figure behind her. It wasn’t the same person that had attacked the man that now lay lifeless on the floor, so there were at least three people there.
One of them laughed and a chill ran through Jan. There was something way too familiar about one of her attackers. Paralyzed for a moment at the reality of who this man was she received another blow from behind. As she lay helpless on the floor the man, who should have been just bones rattling around in the ground by now, spoke in a low, threatening voice his eyes seeming to burn straight through her.
“You’re almost worth saving, but right now I have my orders,” and instinctively she knew that the saving would not be any type of rescue at all as his hands moved over her body.
It was then that it seemed as if he reached into her mind with his, and within a wink of an eye all thoughts and memories were gone. Memories she thought were there forever, who she was, friends, and the name of her attacker. It felt as if her brain was being sifted through, and painfully shredded. She fought back as best she could; but how could he do this?
“Never told you about this did he?” and she thought she heard him laugh, “I will take it all from you and that will take everything from him. I win.”

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