All she could hear was the relentless beeping in her ears and damn it hurt. It was her first realization of being alive, full awareness was still far from her grasp. Something had gone horribly wrong and now she was paying the price of being stupid. She was still struggling to figure out what had happened from the murky darkness that was once her mind. Slowly and carefully she took in a breath and felt a welcome jab of pain. From the pain she felt she knew some of her ribs were broken, but knowing that information did nothing to make the pain in her chest easier as she breathed. Somewhere in her past she remembered having broken ribs before but that was where it stopped. She thought the pain in her head had been bad until that breath. Now she chose to focus on the beeping sound to take her mind off the pain in her ribs. Next time she would try a shallower breath, hoping there was a next time. With no memory of what had happened it was hard to know if there would be another minute in her life. The beeping continued, it seemed to be never ending. Not knowing what else to do she listened closer to the beeping. It seemed as if it was some kind of warning. Slowly she sucked in a shallow breath of air. This time the breath she took hurt just as much as the first one that she remembered taking, but she was ready for the pain. Focusing on the sounds around her she was able to push aside the pain to take in shallow breaths as she began to realize that there was pain in almost every part of her body. ‘Oh great!’ she thought as the beeping sound never failed to remind her she wasn’t anyplace she could remember. That worried her. Even thinking was causing her pain as if her mind had been assaulted as well. Just when she thought she could grasp a bit of what had happened the screeching siren erupted, keeping any memories she may have had at bay.
She had now fought her way back to a dizzy awareness of her surroundings. Without moving the rest of her body, she waited for her eyes to open not wanting to make the situation any worse than it was. The question pounded her mind again. ‘What had happened?’ the next breath cleared all her thoughts and brought back the pain that lingered in her chest, arms, legs and head.
Heavy and swollen from what she could tell, she slowly tried forcing her eyes to open just enough to let in the barest glimpse of light or clue. Her eyelids seemed glued into place, and for a moment, she actually hoped that wasn’t the case. ‘Now wouldn’t that be just the icing on the cake,’ she thought. Slowly and with an effort she knew was far more than it should be she opened one eye just a little. ‘Nothing, nothing to see at this angle,’ she thought as she lay helpless on what she could only assume was cold concrete, and the sound seemed to continue its warning that she could not heed. Nothing else seemed to be working well but her ears. And they only picked up on the tormenting sound of the beeping. Searching her mind she tried to figure out what it was trying to tell her? Her nose caught a faint familiar smell; smoke. She was sure she could smell smoke. ‘Could it get any worse?’ she asked no one in particular.

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